Sign your Second Amendment Protection Directive

Dear Right to Work Supporter:

Enveloped in scandal after scandal, the Big Labor bosses are worried the Obama presidency is crumbling before their eyes.

So they’re doing everything they can to get payback on their entire radical agenda (while they think they can still get it).

Worse, instead of allowing Big Labor’s schemes to die, some Members of Congress could be working to bailout the union bosses by throwing them a legislative bone or two!

That’s why you and I have to work IMMEDIATELY to mobilize Americans to this threat.

So please sign your NO BIG LABOR BAILOUT petition IMMEDIATELY!

Tell your Congressmen, No Bailouts!

Whereas:   The Obama administration is enveloped in scandal after scandal, and Big Labor is worried the Obama presidency is crumbling; and
Whereas:   Big Labor spent hundreds of millions of dollars to elect President Obama and is determined to “cash in” with a big return on that “investment;” and
Whereas:   Big Labor is pushing to confirm Thomas Perez as Labor Secretary who used his power as Maryland’s Secretary of Labor to expand union boss power; and
Whereas:   The union bosses are seeking to confirm a five-member NLRB “package deal,” so the new Big Labor-controlled board could immediately move to consent to the 1,600 outrageous union-label decisions made while Obama’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL “recess appointments” were controlling the board; and
Whereas:   Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is discussing GUTTING the filibuster which could pave the way for outrageous legislative schemes to increase their forced-dues power -- including “Card Check” and Police and Firefighter Forced Unionization;
Therefore: I urge you NOT to bail out Big Labor and instead oppose and vote against their radical agenda at every opportunity.
Please submit the information below to sign the petition.
Copies will be sent to your senators.

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The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Privacy Policy

Copyright © 2013 National Right to Work Committee