Dear Right to Work Supporter,

Thank you very much for signing your petition to your senators demanding they oppose the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill.

The National Right to Work Committee will fax your petition to their Capitol Hill offices and make your voice heard in this debate.

But petitions alone will not be enough to break Big Labor's stranglehold on Congress.  That's why I hope you'll read this brief message and agree to chip in with a contribution of $10 to the National Right to Work Committee.

You see, Senator Harry Reid is resorting to the same underhanded tactics they used to pass President Obama’s Healthcare Nationalization Scheme into law.

Why?  He know's if the American people understand what’s in S. 3194, the so-called “Public Employer-Employee Cooperation Act,” you’ll agree it stinks to high heaven.

So, they know they have to move fast.

You see, the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill is designed to force every firefighter and police officer in the country under union boss control.

Worse, it’s just the first step toward forcing ALL state and local public employees under Big Labor’s thumb.

And during these troubled economic times, passage of the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill is the LAST thing we need.

Just take a look at California for the results of this madness.

Last year, the City of Vallejo went bankrupt after nearly 75% of its budget was spent on unionized police and firefighters!

And despite a $26 billion state budget deficit, out-of-control public sector union bosses aren’t shouldering cuts or taking blame for the problems they’ve caused -- they’re threatening strikes!

In other states where union bosses have been granted monopoly bargaining privileges over public sector workers, we’re seeing the exact same thing.

In fact, the Mayor of Lancaster, Pennsylvania recently stated that these struggling cities are “handcuffed” by public sector monopoly bargaining.

Should Big Labor’s allies ram the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill into law, this kind of dysfunction could be coming to a town or city near you.

Quite simply, passage of the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill could be the last straw for already struggling communities.

The truth is, passage of this Big Labor power grab would mean:
  • State and local governments -- who are already experiencing budget shortfalls during these troubled economic times -- will be forced to pay the salaries and perks of union bosses.

    In the Post Office alone, taxpayers have been forced to fund over 1.75 million hours of union organizing.

  • Small communities that depend on volunteer police and firefighters for their safety will be forced to do without them.

    Or communities will have to deal with mammoth tax hikes to pay for union boss-controlled public safety workers.

  • The Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill will do nothing to stop crime or make our communities safer.

    On the contrary, forcing police and firefighters under the control of power-mad union bosses tends to drive many of the best men and women out of their jobs.
Think your town or city could “take a pass?”  Think your local and state public officials could stand up to the federal government and refuse to go along?

Believe me, I wish they could.

But under the provisions of S. 3194, no matter what your state and local officials say, every police officer and firefighter in towns and cities across the whole country will ultimately be handed over to union boss control.

And if your town won’t go along with that, the Federal Government will step in and turn over your first responders to Big Labor anyway.

Of course, history shows us police and firefighter monopoly bargaining also has all too often led to strikes.

This legislation could pit honest taxpayers like you against the very people you count on to protect you.

When your police are ordered out on strike, who will defend your home and loved ones?

When union militants set up picket lines around fire stations, who will put out the fires?

The good news is, the National Right to Work Committee is already implementing our plan to rally concerned citizens from all over the country to apply so much pressure that Congress will have little choice but to KILL S. 3194.

But I need every single Right to Work supporter to show up for this battle immediately if we’re going to win it.

As I mentioned, this dangerous legislation could be rammed through nearly any day.

That’s why your signed petitions are so important.  But like I said before, petitions alone will not be enough to defeat this monstrous legislation.

Also, I must tell you the program to kill the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill won’t be cheap or easy.

And time is short, so I hope you’ll consider chipping in with a contribution of $10 to help defray the cost of this effort.


Mark Mix

P.S. The Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill could come to a vote anyday.  If passed, this dangerous bill could force America’s public safety workers under union boss control.

And if you can, please chip in with a contribution of $10 to help the National Right to Work Committee defeat this dangerous bill.

The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Its web address is

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